Monday, October 15, 2007

Still Loving You I Wait (Message in a Bottle)

Through endless nights I stare
Fateful decisions running endless
Haunting guilt carried on the mare
Tidal optimism crushed by crashing swells
Echoes of harrowing fright carried breathlessly
Wind ripped sheets, storm tossed rig
Cracks of sightless thunder, Flash of mocking lightning
In laughing blackness I dwell
Heart beating in rhythmic desire, Soul void of life
Cries unheard in unabated isolation
Shakenly I taste sweet salt of tears
I close my eyes and feel soft breathing
Long flowing hair so gold and pure
Skin wonderfully delicate and delightlful
Silently I wait, For an Eternity I wait
Our love will bring us back together


KaiBlue said...

You have chosen a subject near and dear to my heart.. The Ocean.. It ripples thru your prose, I love this..
Peace, Kai

Rob Kistner said...

Beautiful piece about love and longing Scott -- well done!

Anonymous said...

That was true to the heart and very moving. Thanks for sharing.

paisley said...

i wonder why we think that those that die in the sea live forever... hhhhmmmmm....

J. S. Clawson said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words of encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Like a pearl of the seas
....a Black Pearl, perhaps...

J. S. Clawson said...

Perhaps Anonymous..........perhaps! Thank you.

Tumblewords: said...

Hope in a bottle. Lovely!

poefusion said...

You wrote such a beautiful piece here about love/longing and placed it with the ocean. I think everyone can relate well. Keep up the good work.

Have a nice day.

Pam Aries said...

Very powerful and haunting!

Dan said...

Scott, loved the line "In laughing blackness I dwell". Despair always seems to mock our mourning. Powerful piece!

Marja said...

Wow this is so romantic and you are so descriptive. "Cracks of sightless thunder' I love it. Have a great day.